5 Things That Are Fun and Safe When Trying to Conceive

Trying to conceive (TTC) can easily become an all-consuming pursuit, but don't let the stress of the conception rollercoaster keep you from having fun and enjoying your loved ones. In these times before your life becomes focused around your baby, there are many fun and safe things you can do alone or as a couple that will be much harder to schedule once you get pregnant or have a child.
If you find yourself looking at pregnant women and couples pushing strollers with longing, talk through that emotion with your partner or a close friend and then turn it around with some fun activities that are perfect things to do when you're trying to conceive. Having fun together takes your mind off of your goal and increases your happiness – which studies show can boost your chances of getting pregnant. Try some of these activities for fun!
Can You Drink While Trying to Get Pregnant?
Many social activities are focused around alcohol and drinking. You may be wondering, "can you drink if you are trying to get pregnant?" since that affects your choices of TTC activities. Many doctors recommend that you abstain from drinking at all when trying to conceive. Alcohol can have a negative impact on your fertility and drinking can affect your baby's development after you become pregnant.
However, doctors also recognize that since the conception journey is often a long one, it can be unrealistic to abstain from all alcohol, especially if you're in social situations where drinking is common – or you just want a glass of wine after work. Doctors suggest that if you are tracking your cycle while trying to get pregnant, that you do not drink after your monthly ovulation, in case a fertilized egg is in the process of implantation.
Choosing Things to Do When Trying to Get Pregnant
Embrace spontaneity! Ask the question, "OK, what are some things we can go do spontaneously because we aren't limited by a pregnancy or an infant?" Soon those days of unfettered freedom could be behind you, so enjoy some of these fertility-friendly activities while you can.
- Salsa Dancing Class. Dancing is a great way to laugh together, meet new people and stay physically fit at the same time. Most experts agree that increasing physical activity is beneficial for increasing the chances of conception, and they also agree that exercise doesn't have to be boring. Investigate your city's salsa dancing (or country line dancing, or ballroom dancing options, and become a regular.
- Gourmet Cooking Demonstrations. Healthy eating is of crucial importance during both pre-pregnancy and the pregnancy months, so seize the opportunity to learn some new dishes and techniques. Most cities have gourmet food stores that offer cooking classes or other educational events, and new 'do-it-yourself' kitchens – that provide ingredients, ovens and supplies for you to cook delicious meals to bring home – are also fun and unique options.
- Take a Spur-of-the-Moment Trip. In every part of the country, there are charming small towns just waiting to be discovered. Do a quick Internet search (or ask around), book a room in a quaint bed-and-breakfast and hit the road, stopping to eat interesting roadside food along the way. If you have a larger travel budget and more time, choose a country you have always wanted to see and make it happen. The time for spontaneity is now.
- Find a New Cause. Have you always wanted to help a child who is struggling with math or reading? This is the perfect time to volunteer for a tutoring program. Or you can walk dogs at the animal shelter, raise money to build a well in a undeveloped country, serve meals at a shelter, or work on a Habitat for Humanity house. There are service opportunities for every type of person, and when you give of yourself to someone else you are sure to forget your own circumstances for a while as you pay it forward.
- Rediscover Romance. It's an unfortunate byproduct of trying to conceive – romance gets lost in the ovulation predictor kits, the charts and the urgency. Make a commitment to remember why you want to conceive a baby with your partner in the first place with intentional, creative date nights and new twists on intimacy. Strengthen your relationship by focusing on each other solely for a while instead of your current conception setback.
Trying to conceive is a journey of itself, but the things you do along the way will make positive memories and maybe help you discover a new hobby or something else you love about each other.