Fertility Fact vs. Fiction

A man and woman happily embracing each other in bed.

If you are trying to conceive, you have probably heard many tips for getting pregnant. You may have a hard time discerning facts about fertility from the many conception myths and fictions you hear. Knowing which suggestions may actually help when you are trying for a baby and important facts such as how often you should try to conceive is helpful to most couples. Let’s review some of the more common myth-conceptions about fertility and see if the science backs them up.

Fertility dramatically declines with age for both men and women. FACT

The trend of declining fertility starts after age thirty for women. By their late 30s, women have half the fertility rate of women in their early 20s. Male fertility decreases most after age 50 but starts to decline at 40. No amount of wishful thinking will change this fertility fact, so plan accordingly with the Chances of Getting Pregnant article!

Men should store up sperm for baby-making during the woman’s non-fertile time. FICTION

The storing of sperm or “seed” is a common conception myth. In fact, more frequent ejaculation by the man is better. The more he ejaculates, the higher his testosterone will be and the better and more quality sperm he can make. Having your partner not ejaculate during your non-fertile time is negative for sperm production. Even daily ejaculation doesn’t harm sperm quality or numbers. New research data suggests that ejaculating at least every two days is good, and every day ejaculation is best for sperm production, even for men with poorer quality sperm. If that sounds exhausting to you, remember frequent ejaculation doesn’t have to be from intercourse every time.

To conceive, you need to have sex every day when you are ovulating. FICTION

It’s a fertility myth that you if you don’t have daily sex, you won’t get pregnant. However, regular intercourse is critical, meaning at least three times a week all month long. Daily intercourse during the woman’s fertile time offers a very slight improvement in conception rates, but for most couples, the stress of “having to have” intercourse every day is not worth the small increase in pregnancy chances. Couples who have sex every day during the woman’s fertile time had a 37% conception rate, while couples who had sex every other day had a 33% chance. The big change in conception rates (down to 15%) occurs for couples having sex only once a week. In general, having sex three times a week will allow most fertile couples to conceive. So, how often should you try to conceive? Regular sex is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your fertility.

The woman’s most fertile time is the six days of her cycle ending on the day she ovulates. FACT

It’s a fact that intercourse that occurs within the 3-day interval ending on the day a woman ovulates is most likely to end in conception. In absolute terms, the highest pregnancy rates are seen if intercourse occurs the day prior to ovulation, with rates declining if they occur ON the day of ovulation. The average woman is fertile around days 12-14 of her cycle. However, women having intercourse on day 21 of their cycle can still have a 2% pregnancy rate.

Ovulation and peak fertility can be determined by: 1) measuring daily temperature 2) tracking the presence of slippery “egg white cervical mucus” or EWCM and 3) using ovulation prediction tests to detect LH in a woman’s urine. FACT

If you are wondering whether it is true that you can predict your ovulation and time your sex for greater fertility, it’s a fact that there are three good ways to know your most fertile days. In numerous studies, tracking EWCM and having intercourse on the peak production day is one of the most reliable methods of timing fertility. Pregnancy rates following intercourse on the day of peak EWCM reach 38% with a decrease to <20% for intercourse on the day before or after this peak. To understand how to track your temperature and EWCM, check out Toni Weschler’s book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Ovulation prediction tests such as First Response Ovulation Test  are helpful as well. One word of caution: ovulation can occur within a two-day window after a positive LH surge (the hormone an ovulation test measures), so have intercourse once per day for two days after a positive ovulation test. And, if you are one of the women who doesn’t make good EWCM, First Response Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly lubricant  mimics your fertile mucus and helps sperm swim on their way to the egg.

Missionary position improves chances of pregnancy. FICTION

Talk about a conception myth. No specific sexual position is any better for conception. In fact, having sex that feels extra good to the man and has him really turned on DOES increase the number of healthy sperm he makes, which will give his best chance of fertility. Try having “extra special sex” at least once during your fertile time. Every time you are baby-making, consider giving your partner additional foreplay or use some unique positions just for your fertile time so he gets excited knowing it is coming! Just remember that saliva, like lubricants, can damage sperms.

Canola and baby oil are safe when you’re Trying to Conceive (TTC). FICTION

Everyday lubricants kill sperm, as do oils and many homemade remedies. If you’re trying to conceive, stay away from these oils and lubricants. In fact, animal studies suggest that oils like baby oil and canola oil damage sperm by making them only half as able to support normal embryo motility. Plus, these oils have no quality control for safety in reproductive use.

Being very under or overweight harms fertility in both men and women. FACT

It is indeed a fact that losing even 5% of your weight can improve your fertility. You can do that! And if you’re underweight, allow yourself to add a few pounds. A woman’s body needs enough fat percentage to sustain a pregnancy. Whichever way you want to move the scale, remember that moderation is key -- even for exercising!

Smoking has a hugely negative impact on fertility. FACT

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do when you’re trying to start a family. Attention men: smoking can pass on damaged DNA to your children through your sperm. It has even been linked to higher childhood cancers. Both partners should stop smoking when you are trying to conceive.

Drinking any caffeine is bad for fertility. FICTION

The good news for women who are TTC is that drinking 1-2 cups of coffee a day may not be as bad as we thought. There are no apparent adverse effects on fertility or pregnancy outcomes from consuming caffeine. Try getting your lattes as “half caffs” with half the caffeine so you can have two a day if you want.

Sperm are not stored in the cervix, but rather in the fallopian tube. FACT

Most physicians are taught that human sperm is stored in the cervix after intercourse and then released from a “cervical reservoir” over several days. In fact, no study has ever shown sperm form a “cervical reservoir” before reaching the fallopian tubes and participating in fertilization.

If you’re trying to conceive, you may have been trying every fertility trick and tip you come across just in case it might work. While your enthusiasm is great, make sure you do your research to separate fertility fact from fiction so you give yourself the best chances at successfully conceiving. Know the conception myths and bust them with your knowledge of the facts and you’ll be well on your way to the pregnancy you’re hoping for.

When you think you might be pregnant, use a First Response pregnancy test to confirm your results.