Working Out When Trying to Get Pregnant

Your health plays a vital role when you are trying to get pregnant. Working out while you’re trying to conceive (TTC), is a part of taking better care of your body in order to prepare it for carrying a baby. This also includes eating nutritious foods, maintaining a healthy weight and keeping a positive mindset. All of these activities go hand-in-hand with your TTC fitness routine.
A healthy lifestyle can help you get pregnant and these exercises to prepare for pregnancy will help promote a healthy lifestyle. Follow these 5 fitness tips to keep your body healthy and safe as you embark on your TTC journey.
5 Fitness Tips for Pregnancy and Working Out
1. Adopt a Regular Exercise Routine
If you’re trying to lose weight in order to conceive, get into a regular routine. Whether this means working out 2 mornings per week or every weekday, it doesn’t matter as long as you stick to your schedule. Once you get used to your routine, you will be less likely to skip a workout and more likely to continue the routine once you’re pregnant.
2. Swim Laps
The activities and exercises you adopt while trying to conceive will quite possibly be the same ones you will do once you’re pregnant, so it is important to start with activities that you can continue with even after you’ve gotten your BFP. This means skipping that kickboxing class for some laps in the pool. According to Parents, swimming is a great workout for pregnant women because it is zero-impact and “offers an enjoyable weightless feeling that’s especially great during your heaviest months.” Plus, you’ll be burning calories and getting in shape just as you would with any other activity, which is great when you’re TTC!
3. Strengthen Your Core
According to Parents, your center of gravity will shift when you’re pregnant due to the growth of your breasts and belly. This change can cause strain on other areas of your body. So, Amy Ogle, co-author of Before Your Pregnancy, recommends strengthening your abdominal and back muscles ahead of pregnancy so that you’ll be less likely to have back pain later on. Add some exercises like crunches and planks to your pre-pregnancy workout routine to strengthen your core now and feel better later.
4. Workout with Your Partner
Working out with your partner offers several great benefits to your health, especially while you’re trying to conceive. First of all, it will strengthen your relationship by allowing you to work together toward something you both really want. If you both understand that a healthier you means better luck getting pregnant, you will soon be working out as a team. Additionally, working out will let you hold one another accountable. Working out is also great for the health of your man and his swimmers. Obese men are more likely to have lower sperm counts, and just 20 pounds can have an impact on a man’s fertility. So promote healthy sperm by keeping your guy fit.
5. Moderation is Key
Overall, remember that moderation is key and 30 minutes of moderate exercise is all it takes to improve your health as you prepare for pregnancy. While you certainly can work out harder before you’re pregnant, mild to moderate exercise is all you need to negate stress and promote a healthy lifestyle. If you’re looking for low-key exercise activities, try walking, yoga, or bike riding. These are all great ways to increase endorphins, decrease stress, and increase blood circulation.
Now that you have 5 TTC fitness tips under your belt, it’s time to hit the gym! Get healthy now to reduce stress, increase fertility, and start a routine for when pregnancy rolls around. And if you find that you’re having trouble getting pregnant, try Pre-Seed™ Fertility Friendly Lubricant. Pre-Seed lubricant is clinically shown to be fertility-friendly for couples trying to conceive.