
Fertility-Friendly Lubricant

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FIRST RESPONSE™ Prenatal Multivitamin Gummies

Key Information

Specially formulated for couples trying to conceive.

Trying for a baby? Try Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant. It not only enhances your comfort, it’s specially formulated to mimic your body’s naturally fertile fluids.

  • Used in fertility clinics and recommended by fertility experts
  • Developed by a sperm physiologist
  • Won't limit or harm sperm like most leading lubes
  • Mimics your body’s naturally fertile fluids
  • Glycerin-free

The National Institutes of Health funded research to design this patented, sperm-safe lubricant formula. With Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, you can be confident that you are using the right lube when trying for a baby.

Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly is a high-quality lubricant that mimics fertile cervical fluids to support sperm on their journey. Unlike most other lubricants, Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is pH-balanced and isotonic, so sperm can swim freely.

Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is available at major drugstores, grocery stores and other retailers nationwide.

where To Buy

Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is available at major drugstores, grocery stores and other retailers nationwide.

where To Buy

  • How to Use

How to Use

First Response Pre-Seed fertility friendly lubricant diagram

Pre-Seed fertility friendly lubricant instructional diagram

Many women choose to apply the lubricant about 15 minutes prior to intercourse to allow moisture to disperse.

Push the applicator plunger all the way in. Twist the applicator onto the threads of the tube.

Squeeze from the bottom of the tube to fill the applicator with the amount of lubricant you’d like to use. Most women will choose the 2-3g fill line. Keeping the applicator upright, unscrew the tube from the tube and place the cap back on. Do not leave the tube uncapped between uses.

Gently insert the applicator into vagina about half its length. Once in place, slowly push the plunger to dispense the lubricant.

Remove and discard the applicator.

Each applicator is intended for a single use. Discard the applicator following use. DO NOT REUSE APPLICATORS.

To read full details and instructions, click here.

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Frequent Questions

How does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant work?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant mimics natural fertile fluids and helps to relieve vaginal dryness. Its moisture is delivered in the same pH, osmolality and viscosity (consistency) as fertile cervical fluids (mucus). This provides an optimal environment for sperm on their journey through the vagina, into the cervix and up to the Fallopian tubes where they meet the egg.
I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Would this product help me conceive?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is a “fertility-friendly” personal lubricant — that means that it is pH and isotonic balanced to match fertile cervical mucus. This enables sperm to swim freely. Clinical studies show that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is a sperm-safe lubricant, which is a benefit over most lubricants. However, there is not any specific clinical evidence that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can help women conceive when they have polycystic ovary syndrome. We recommend that you speak to your doctor about possible treatments.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant cause miscarriages?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant users have participated in two opt-in, on-line surveys discussing their experience using the product. Early pregnancy losses for Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant users are consistent with levels observed in the general population (25-30% of all pregnancies end in early losses). If you have a pregnancy loss, be sure and contact your physician so that they can advise you.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant cause yeast infections?
Yeast infections may be caused a number of factors. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant has not been shown to cause yeast infections. If you are experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection, it is recommended to see your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Why can’t Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant applicators be safely washed and reused?
Applicators should be used as indicated in the package insert, which states to discard the applicator following use. Do not reuse applicators. We do not recommend the washing and reusing of the applicators since soap & water can be very toxic to sperm.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant sway the gender towards male?
Any information, opinions, claims or publications that indicate Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant “sways” toward a male outcome of conception are unsubstantiated and not the subject of any scientific study.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant cause urinary tract infection (UTI)?
We are not aware of any clinical studies that show Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant may cause urinary tract infections. In general, many women are able to use Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant even when other lubricants have caused irritation or infection. This is because salt (ion) concentration of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant closely resembles natural body fluids at about 270-370 mOsm/kg. If irritation occurs for you while using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, stop using the product. If the irritation persists, please contact your doctor.
Can you use Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant while pregnant or nursing?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can be used any time to relieve vaginal dryness or discomfort. In clinical studies, Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant has been reported to be safer and less irritating to the sensitive tissues of intimacy than other lubricants. As with any product, please consult with your physician before use if you are pregnant or nursing.
Why did you stop making Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant without the applicators?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant comes with applicators to provide moisture inside — where it can coat the vagina and cervix, enhancing the comfort of intimacy and supplementing inadequate fertile secretions. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is most effective as a lubricant when its isotonic formula is deposited inside. Of course, Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can also be applied externally, but it is most effective when used with the applicators.
Why does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant have an expiration date? Will it still work as a lubricant and as an aid in conceiving?
The expiration dates are provided to ensure safety and quality of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant. Clinical testing has shown that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant quality is best when used prior to the expiration date, so we only recommend that you use lubricant that meets this standard.
What is the percentage rate for getting pregnant while using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is formulated to mimic fertile cervical mucus. Clinical research shows that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant allows sperm to swim freely, while other lubricants may actually limit sperm motility. There is currently no research data that provides comparative pregnancy rates.
My partner and I used it as directed and found it to be quite sticky. Is this normal?
If you used Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant and you felt a sticky sensation, your skin tissues may be a bit low in moisture. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s isotonic moisture is readily absorbed by skin because it mimics natural fluids, so you may want to try using more Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant to saturate the tissues. This will help provide greater lubrication. In clinical studies, Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant has been reported to be as slippery and smooth as, if not better than, leading lubricants. Clinical studies also show that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant allows sperm to swim freely.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant cause multiple births?
Any information, opinions, claims or publications that indicate Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant causes multiple births are unsubstantiated and not the subject of any scientific study.
My Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant froze, can it still be used?
We cannot guarantee the performance of product that is not stored according to the package labeling. However, we have tested Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant following exposure to freezing temperatures for short periods of time (freezing for 1 to 3 weeks). Based on our routine tests, this short-term exposure did not appear to change the integrity of the product. Please shake the tube well before use (one time) to ensure that the lubricant remains homogenous.
Does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant affect menstruation cycles? My period is late, but pregnancy tests all come back negative.
We are not aware of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant affecting menstruation cycles. Menstruation cycles can be affected by a number of things, including routine changes, stress, illness, medications, exercise, or various health problems. We recommend consulting with a healthcare professional if your period is significantly late and you are receiving negative pregnancy results.
Can you insert Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant vaginally right after intercourse during ovulation, instead of before intercourse? Just wondering if it would be effective this way, or if it is always better to use it pre-intercourse.
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is recommended for use prior to intercourse. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant provides lubrication and mimics fertile cervical fluid to create the optimal environment for sperm, so it will be most effective if applied before sex by using the applicators provided. Many couples tell us they like how Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant feels and that it enhances intimacy, so you may enjoy using it even if you do not feel like you need a lubricant. Best wishes on your baby-making!
Will the use of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant in any way compromise the effectiveness of a contraceptive? (The contraceptive is a spermicide.)
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is formulated to mimic fertile cervical fluids so sperm can swim freely. We do not have any research that shows the effect of using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant with a contraceptive, so it is difficult to say whether Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant will affect the use of contraceptive. However, if a spermicide is effective at killing sperm, then it seems that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s formulation would not be a factor.
Will Pre-Seed help with azoospermia?
Azoospermia is a condition where no measurable levels of sperm are produced in semen. Pre-Seed is specially formulated to provide a medium for sperm to swim freely on their journey to meet and fertilize the egg. However, Pre-Seed cannot help produce sperm. If your partner has been diagnosed with azoospermia, we recommend consulting a fertility expert to determine the best course of action to take when trying to conceive.
My Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant was in a hot trunk for part of a day, will it still be okay to use?
We cannot guarantee the performance of product that is not stored according to the package labeling. However, we have tested Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant following exposure to and over 100 degrees F for short periods of time. Based on our routine tests, this exposure did not appear to change the integrity of the product.
Was Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant developed by a doctor?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant was invented by a woman who is a sperm physiologist. During the National Institute of Health-funded research into what makes healthy sperm, the inventor realized that many couples were using lubricants that killed sperm. This research led to the design of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s patented formula to relieve dryness with lubrication that is sperm-safe.
Published studies confirm that Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s formula is fertility friendly, making it the first ever lubricant allowed to state that it is safe for use by couples who are trying to conceive (TTC).
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is made in America and has been trusted by TTC couples since 2002!
What makes Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant safe for use when trying to conceive (TTC)?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant was developed specifically to match a woman’s fertile fluids, and to provide safe lubrication for use when trying to conceive a baby.
  • Clinically shown to be a fertility-friendly lubricant
  • Allows healthy sperm to move freely
  • Isotonic and pH-balanced to mimic fertile fluids
  • Developed by a female doctor
  • Recommended by fertility experts and used in fertility clinics
  • Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is covered by numerous US and International Patents
Is Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant Really "Fertility-Friendly"?
Yes. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant mimics natural body secretions, providing an optimal sperm environment and relieving vaginal dryness. Its moisture is delivered in the same pH, osmolality and viscosity (consistency) as fertile cervical fluids. Pre-Seed does not harm sperm and is less irritating to women.
Can I use Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant even if I am sensitive to other lubricants?
In general, many women are able to use Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant even when other lubricants have caused irritation. This is often because other lubricants do not have the same salt (ion) concentration as your body fluids. For example, body fluids are at about 270 mOsm/kg, but other lubricants are as high as 3,500 mOsm/kg, so you can see — VERY high. It is basically like getting salt water in your eyes!
Still a very, very low percent of women do have some irritation after use of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant. The rate is about ½ of 1%, based on our records. Such irritation can be due to pregnancy or hormonal changes, or an allergic reaction. Please note, if irritation occurs for you while using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, stop using the product. If the irritation persists, please contact your doctor.
When can Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant be used if I am trying to get pregnant?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can be used any time you have intercourse and want to supplement lubrication and moisture. Applying it internally helps the lubricant act like your body’s own fluids, making for a very natural feeling during lovemaking. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s isotonic formula means it is a less irritating lubricant that is ideal for women in all walks of life. In clinical studies, Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant has been reported to be as slippery and smooth as, if not better than, leading lubricants. It also has been reported to be less irritating to the sensitive tissues of intimacy than other leading lubricants.
Why is Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant applied inside?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant comes with applicators to provide moisture inside where it can coat the vagina, enhancing the comfort of intimacy and supplementing natural fertile fluids. The woman's body naturally provides secretions throughout the vaginal canal. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is most effective as a lubricant when its isotonic formula is deposited inside near the cervix. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can also be applied externally.
How do I use the applicator with Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant?
Never used a lubricant with an intravaginal applicator before? It is easy and discreet! Instructions are included in each package. Applicators are included for Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant to be most effective. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s applicators coat the entire vagina with its isotonic formula, just the way your body fluids do – increasing comfort during intimacy. Click here for full instructions.
How much Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant should I use?
The amount of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant to use will vary depending on the desired lubrication. If you used Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant — and it felt too slippery or there wasn’t enough sensation (friction) when using it — try one or more of the following adjustments:
  1. Apply less Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant. Try just using 1g at first, and work up to the right amount for you.
  2. Wipe off extra Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant after applying. After applying Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant inside with the applicator, wipe off any lubricant on your outside parts by using a tissue.
  3. Apply your Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant earlier. You can apply Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant up to an hour before lovemaking.
  4. Try just using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant externally. We suggest you apply lubricant the size of a quarter.
  5. If things are too slippery during the middle of lovemaking, take a break, and wipe both of you off by hand or with the sheet. This should make things just right when you start up again.
If you used Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant and it wasn’t slippery enough, it dried out too quickly, or it had a rubbery or tacky sensation, your tissues may be a bit low in moisture, and you may need to use more Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s isotonic moisture is readily absorbed because it mimics natural fluids. To provide adequate lubrication, you will need to apply enough Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant to saturate the tissues. Here are some suggestions for this situation:
  1. Try using the intravaginal applicators to apply Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant inside. Your body makes natural fluids throughout the vaginal canal, not just at the opening of the vulva. Applying lubricant inside mimics your own fertile fluids and maximizes Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s effectiveness as a lubricant. Many women have never used an applicator for a lubricant, so it may seem different.
  2. If you are just using Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant externally, apply an amount similar to the size of a quarter by hand to the areas you want lubricated. If these areas seem to rapidly absorb Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, repeat the application (with the same amount). Once the tissues are hydrated, the second dose of Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant can stay on the surface and provide longer lasting lubrication.
  3. If you are using the applicator and things aren’t slippery enough, try applying Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant while lying down in bed, right before intimacy.
Where can I buy Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is available nationwide at most major retailers. For a full list, go to the Where to Buy section of this website.
Is Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant condom compatible?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is compatible with latex and polyurethane condoms.
Why does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant have parabens in it?
Preservatives, such as Methylparaben and Propylparaben (in Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant), keep products from growing bacteria. Other preservatives (Vitamin C, EDTA, etc.) can cause sperm damage. We chose to use Methylparaben and Propylparaben, because they have very long histories of use and safety data, and are fertility-friendly.

The preservatives we use prevent bacteria growth without damaging sperm. Published reports found that these preservatives have no more impact on tissues than do food estrogens in soya and other foods (A review of the endocrine activity of parabens and implications for potential risks to human health. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2005).

Scientists and expert preservative consultants have reviewed all of the available preservatives approved for human use. In developing Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant our goal, of course, was to choose a preservative that was safe for sperm. Unfortunately, many preservatives damage sperm by their mechanism of action. In developing Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, we were the first, and to our knowledge the only, studies ever done to determine the lowest dose of Methylparaben and Propylparaben preservatives we could use that would meet our goal of protecting against bacterial growth while preserving optimal sperm function and not impairing egg fertilization or embryo development.

The safety issues around Parabens have been reviewed by a number of expert groups. Virtually all of them have concluded that Methylparaben and Propylparaben, when used in the amounts present in Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, are safe.

The FDA believes that: "at the present time there is no reason for consumers to be concerned about the use of cosmetics containing Parabens. However, the agency will continue to evaluate new data in this area. If FDA determines that a health hazard exists, the agency will advise the industry and the public…"

How does Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant compare to other lubricants?
Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is the first lube approved to be safe for use when trying to get pregnant. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is better than other leading lubricants for trying to conceive (TTC) because it is pH- and isotonic-balanced to mimic fertile cervical fluids. Unlike most other leading lubricants, Pre-Seed™ is free of glycerin or glycol so that sperm are able to swim freely. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant also provides antioxidant support for sperm on their journey.

Besides being "fertility-friendly", Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant has been reported in clinical studies to be as slippery and smooth as, if not better than, leading lubricants. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant’s isotonic formula has also been shown to be less irritating than leading lubricants.